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We have published a second video dealing with development of street lighting solutions with Laser Diodes. This time, instead of installing laser diodes at the bottom of the pole

(see SBI-AAU-Laser Video 1),

the laser diodes are located in the luminaire itself, improving the optical efficiency. Diffusing phosphores are used to reflect blue light from laser diodes to convert it into wide spectrum white light. Optical reflectors then adjust flux toward the street according to specifications. 

SBI-AAU-Laser Video 2

LED 003

SBI-AAU was involved in system specifications and contributed to design of solution. Video was made by Anders Lumbye and Daniel Todorov, in the framework of a contract by Dansk Energi ( design of luminaire Mads Odgaard, Product development Focus Lighting, Laser diode system by Norse APS, Testing and project coordination by DTU Fotonik)

LED 002

We produce regularly photorealistic images or video animation of innovative lighting systems to explore possible directions in lighting and obtain feedback from panels of observers. This allows us to compare options and rate them. See for instance this video of Christianshavn Torv in Copenhagen, with possible option of a long luminous line above the square.


 For more information on this topic and others, please contact our office:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The TLJ Team